Slidin Fast
JoinedTopics Started by Slidin Fast
What JW catch phrase DRIVES YOU NUTS!!!!
by megaflower in"we should be mindful".
Has any other GB member achieved a university degree aside from Lloyd Barry?
by DNCall ini can't think of one.
anyone .
Did you Observe Medical Emergencies Occur While Meetings Continued On?
by flipper ini've thought a lot about this over the years .
bonafide's thread reminded me of this and how unethical and insensitive it was for jehovah's witnesses meetings to go on without stopping while some rank and file members were having medical emergencies right in the kingdom hall.
my experience i will never forget.. in 1983 i was among some pioneers who were giving experiences at a circuit assembly in front of a crowd of about 2,000. this 83 year old sister was standing at the microphone and when she got done with her part - she sat next to me in her chair on the stage.
Top 10 Memorial Excuses
by rebel8 ingood excuses.
(highly contagious, and you aren't supposed to touch other people's dishes and glasses.)tuberculosis.
The Watch Tower Gave its Blessing to the US Army Fighting in WWI
by Leolaia inmay 30 for prayer and supplication
in accordance with the resolution of congress of april 2nd, and with the proclamation of the president of the united states of may 11, it is suggested that the lord's people everywhere make may 30th a day of prayer and supplication.
god was graciously pleased to cause the nation to be formed and to grow under the most favorable conditions in the world for the preservation of liberty, civil and religious.
Was There Ever A Circuit Overseer That You Couldn't Stand?
by minimus ini know this has been discussed before but i think a fresh thread on this will be enjoyable.
Youngest df or da?
by avishai in.
what is the youngest you've known someone to be da'd or df'd, and what for?
In 1968 WTower they said -
by mouthy ini have just finished reading watchtower of aug 15th 1968.
( i was still there then) i couldnt believe what i'm reading & i qoute.
"are we to assume from this study that the battle of armageddon will be over by the autumn of 1975 & the longed looked for thousand year reign of christ will begin by then?
by SolidSender inhere's some bumper stickers recently spotted:.
if you had sex with the president.